MOLITOR are consistently involved in high-level local and international finance matters and regularly advise professionals of the financial and insurance sectors on transactional and regulatory matters. The firm works closely with banks, insurance companies, payment service institutions, other professionals of the financial sector and leading international law firms.
Since our creation just over 25 years ago (28 to be precise), we have focused on advising companies and their founders or shareholders, both locally and internationally. What are the foundations of your firm, which has just celebrated its 25th anniversary? To put it succinctly: we are a firm of entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. On a […]
(Court of Appeal, 4th ch., 7 March 2023, judgment no. 39/23 IV) The decision of the Court of Appeal of 7 March 2023 (now res judicata) is worth highlighting in relation to the issue of the liability of the banker, or more generally the payment service provider (the “PSP”), when it executes a transfer that […]
(Cour d’appel, 4e ch., 7 mars 2023, arrêt n° 39/23 IV) La décision que la Cour d’appel a rendue le 7 mars 2023 (aujourd’hui coulée en force de chose jugée), mérite d’être soulignée par rapport à la question de la responsabilité du banquier, ou plus généralement du prestataire de services de paiement (PSP), lorsque celui-ci […]
Introduction Jusqu’à ce jour, le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg ne s’était jamais doté d’une loi relative à la dormance ainsi qu’à la déshérence dans le secteur financier. Grâce à la loi du 30 mars 2022, entrée en vigueur en date du 1 juin 2022, c’est désormais chose faite. Cette nouvelle loi s’inscrit dans une triple démarche […]