What we offer



Avocat à la Cour, Member of the Luxembourg Bar, 2008
PhD in Private Law

2011 PhD in Private Law, University Paul Verlaine, Metz, France
2008 Complementary Course in Luxembourg Law, University of Luxembourg
2002 DEA in Litigation Law, University Paul Verlaine, Metz, France
2001 Master's degree in Private Law, University Paul Verlaine, Metz, France

Speaks English and French

Career to date

Sophie Lamothe has extensive knowledge and experience in commercial and civil dispute resolution. She mainly deals with contract disputes and focusses on civil liability and insurance litigations (professionals’ civil liability in various sectors, major accidents and personal injuries). Sophie also regularly advises local corporate clients on these matters and in drafts and reviews insurance contracts.

Her expertise includes real estate law (property and co-ownership issues, commercial/residential leases, and nuisance neighbours) and construction law (builders’ liability and guarantees, construction insurance), where she acts on behalf of clients in contentious matters as well as providing legal assistance with regard to drafting, reviewing and negotiation of contracts (such as sales, leases, and easements).

Recommendations & Listings

The Legal 500 EMEA describes Sophie as "reactive and practical" and "very pugnacious and smart in solving complicated problems".

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