What we offer



Avocat à la Cour, Member of the Luxembourg Bar, 2019

2018 Complementary Course in Luxembourg Law, Ministry of Justice
2013 Master's degree in European and International Financial Law LL.M. – Specialization in European Banking and Financial Law, University of Luxembourg 
2012 Master's degree in Business Law, University of Louvain La Neuve, Belgium 

French, English and Dutch


Ariane is a member of the "Association Luxembourgeoise des Juristes de Droit Bancaire" (ALJB)

Areas of practices

Banking & Finance

Ariane Wourwoukas regularly advises local and international clients from various sectors on a broad range of banking and re/insurance law issues including among others licensing requirements and regulatory matters.

Prior to joining MOLITOR Avocats, Ariane gained valuable experience working for 5 years as Senior Legal Counsel at the largest unit-linked life insurance company in Luxembourg.

Related News & Publications


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Dear Insurance Professionals of Luxembourg: how are you coping with the coronavirus health crisis?

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