What we offer



Avocat à la Cour, Member of the Luxembourg Bar, 2014 and the Brussels Bar, 1999

2004 LL.M., University of Pennsylvania Law School, Philadelphia, USA 
1999 Bachelor's degree in law, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

English, French and Korean


Chan is a member of the International Bar Association (IBA), the American Bar Association (ABA) and the International Association of Korean Lawyers, where he served as member of its Board of Directors.


Chan is Head of our Corporate & M&A practice group and has extensive experience in corporate M&A and corporate finance transactions. His principal fields of activities are mergers and acquisitions, focusing on commercial, industrial and regulated targets in Luxembourg, assistance of foreign group of companies in setting up their new business entity in Luxembourg, cross-border corporate reorganisation centred in Luxembourg, and implementation of complex corporate structures involving multiple jurisdictions. Chan regularly represents large and medium sized groups of companies in the US, Europe, Asia, in setting up their operating or holding entities in Luxembourg. He also has particular expertise in the coordination of multi-jurisdiction transactions involving foreign counsels and other advisors.

Prior to joining MOLITOR in 2013, Chan worked with a major Benelux law firm in Brussels, a Manhattan based law firm in New York City, a Big four firm and its legal law firm in Luxembourg.

Recommendations & Listings

Chan has been individually ranked since 2016 by Chambers Global and Europe in Corporate and M&A. Sources say: "He is passionate, client-oriented, kind, punctual and professional. We are very satisfied with his work." and “very responsive and proactive”.

Chan is also described as “committed and responsive” providing “pragmatic advice” (The Legal 500), “punctual, competent, problem-solver” and “he is very well equipped to assist M&A transactions” (IFLR 1000). He is recognised as a “highly regarded” lawyer in Corporate by IFLR1000.

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What they say about him

Corporate & M&A market perception

Chambers Global 2019

Chambers Global 2019 ranked MOLITOR for their expertise in Corporate & M&A and Chan Park often advises on Luxembourg aspects of cross-border M&A deals, and is especially able to assist with mandates relating to South Korea. Sources appreciate his efficiency and quick thinking, with one saying "I always felt he would respond to our needs. He faced every difficulty that came up during the transaction efficiently and was very helpful."

Corporate and M&A – Market Perception

Chambers Global 2017

Chambers Global 2017 ranked MOLITOR Avocats Luxembourg for their expertise in Corporate/M&A. Michel Molitor and Chan Park are included among the leading individuals and sources praised Chan Park, saying that: "He is passionate, client-oriented, kind, punctual and professional. We are very satisfied with his work.”

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