What we offer

Eléonore Moreau-Gentien


Senior Associate 


2023    Environment and Human Rights, Council of Europe

2022    History of Art, École du Louvre, France

2021    Art Law, Christie’s

2020   Complementary Course in Luxembourg Law, Ministry of Justice

2017    Master’s degree Combating of financial criminality and organized crime

              Aix-Marseille University, France

              DESU Dual competence in finance and criminal law

              Aix-Marseille University, France

              Certification AMF, Financial Markets Authority, France

2016    Master 1 Private and criminal law, Bordeaux University, France

              Certification Criminal Sciences, Bordeaux University, France


French and English


Eléonore is one of the co-founders of the Young Collectors Club (YCC), an organisation created to encourage and inspire a new generation of art collectors while supporting the broader eco-system of the art industry

She is also a member of the Association Luxembourgeoise des Juristes de Droit Bancaire (ALJB) and the Young Friends of Museums (YFM). 

Eléonore specializes in a broad range of litigation and advises in contract disputes, banking and finance law, and insolvency matters. Her extensive experience in financial litigation is complemented by an in-depth knowledge in art law and art history, making her an asset in cases that intersect these fields.

Before joining MOLITOR, Eléonore gained valuable experience by working in the anti-money laundering division and assisting the Art & Finance department of a leading consultancy firm. She also worked at another well-renowned law firm in Luxembourg where she has been involved in complex litigation and many high-profile litigation cases.

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